Certificate of Analysis
ProductName: Vanilla Oil
CAS# 8024-06-4
Shelf Life: 5 years
Botanical Origin: Madagascar Extraction Method: CO2 Extraction
Parts Used: Cured Beans
Appearance: Amber Brown – Oil Form
Color Amber Brown
Odor Characteristic
Texture Oil Form
Total Heavy Metals Not more than 10 ppm Complies
Lead Not more than 3 ppm
Cadmium Not more than 0.3 ppm
Arsenic Not more than 1 ppm
Mercury Not more than 0.1 ppm
Total Plate Count Not more than 10^5 cfu/gm
Total Yeast & Mold Count Not more than 10^4 cfu/gm
E. coli absent in 1 gm
Salmonella absent in 10 gm
E Enterobacteria Not more than 10^4 cfu/gm
This product contains: No Pesticide, No Chemicals and isParaben-Free No Hexane,No Phenoxyethanol processed ingredients NoPropylene Glycol NoPetroleum NoSynthetics and is Preservative-free. NoIrradiated materials No NanoParticles
BSEStatement: This product is not manufactured from specified riskmaterials of bovine, ovine and caprine animal species as defined inthe commission's decision 2000/418/EEC. This product is not fromanimal origin. This product does not contain any ingredients ofanimal origin or derived from animals.
GMOSTATEMENT: The products are not derived from genetically modifiedmaterial.
0%Natural Flavoring substance
0%Nature identical flavoring substance
0%Artificial flavoring substance
100%Flavoring preparation
0%Smoke flavor
0%Thermal Process flavor
FOODALLERGENS DECLARATION: this material doesnot containany of
thefollowing products:
-Cerealsand 1400 series thickeners containing gluten, ie wheat, rye,
barley,oats or their hybridized strains and products of these.
-Crustaceaand products of these (i.e prawns, crab)
-Egg,Unpasteurized egg and egg products
-Fishand fish products
-Peanutsand products of these including oils
-Soybeansand products of these including oils
-Milkand milk products
-Treenuts and products of these.
-Sesameseeds and products of these.
-Sulfitesin concentrations of 1.0 mg/kg or more
-Propolis,Bee pollen, Royal jelly
EuropeanCosmetic Directive 76/768/CEE Annexes II-VII:
The product does not contain any substance listed in Annex II or
anysubstance prohibited for cosmetics products. This product does
notcontain any substances listed in Annex III-VII (preservatives,
dyes,UV stabilizers...)
C.M.R.Substance Declaration according to 7th amendment of Annex:
POLYCYCLICMUSK: Does not contain any polycyclic musk.
NITROMUSK: Does not contain any nitromusk.
ANIMALTESTING STATEMENT: We certify that the product has not
beentested on animals.